Love Hurt

This morning I woke up thinking of my ex fiancee. As the warm waters of my morning shower washed over me, I contemplated our transgressions and what was the difference between the happy relationship I have now, and the tumultuous one we had together. Don't get me wrong, she's a great woman, and we shared the best of times and the worst of times. In the end, things mattered so much, and cut so deep, because we loved so much.

In the process of "finding love," we must learn to love and be loved. There are different types of love obviously, like that of a parent or friend. Often, it's the ones we hold above all others that our "love" neglects the most due to our insecurities, fear, and inability to communicate effectively.

When my relationship ended, I took the time to reflect on my own actions and feelings. In the heat of the moment, we may say things we regret. I certainly did, yet, at the time I felt justified in my comments. Through careful and objective reflection, I came to understand that things bothered me in a way with her, more than anyone else because I cared so deeply.

Love Hurt

Love Hurt

Love Hurt

Love Hurt

Love Hurt

Love Hurt

Love Hurt

Love Hurt

Love Hurt

Not saying our union was perfect, nor ultimately that it would work, but I think we both put ourselves through a lot of personal grief because we knew that we weren't meant for each other, even though we loved each other greatly. That's what hurt so much. To look into someone's eyes and love deeply, yet feel so detached is a very painful experience to endure.

That being said, and finding wisdom in all things, there are lessons to learn from deep painful love. I never look back with regret, because we cannot change yesterday. We've set each other free to find the true happiness we were destined to live, which is the greatest act of love and kindness two people can give. In honor of that experience, I try to live my life now by the lessons learned by it that has taught me more about myself and what will truly make me happy in life.

Sometimes love is not meant to last forever, and your partner isn't your possession. During your break up remember to criticize yourself first. It takes two to tango. It also takes two to argue. Remind yourself that it is alright not to be the same, and that people do grow apart. Stop comparing yourself to them and their ideals. Think about your happiness.

Lastly, walk away re-defining what it is that you truly want. Strip away all the good things from the bad and focus on those things you want in a partner. Recognize those things in people you don't like, or that rile you and irritate you and avoid them. Look for a partner who possesses those traits that will strengthen your bonds, instead of driving wedges between the happiness in your mind, and the reality you love.

People say and do things because love makes them care so deeply that they almost become intoxicated and delirious by it. And that isn't a pleasant sight. There are times when love is supposed to hurt. It pulls on your tenterhooks because it touches each of us so deeply and completely. Learn from those feelings so when you fall in love again, you can love with open arms and heart, and a mind free from those insidious thoughts that sabotage your happiness.

Valentine Love

Valentine's are a special way of showing love to loved ones around the world and Cupid is the little guy with the arrows of "love". As an ambassador of love he can be found in every country and every town. He is especially important in Loveland, Colorado.

Cupid has already arrived in Loveland to meet with the volunteers of the worldwide Loveland Valentine Re-Mailing Program. The valentines will come from all 50 states and over 100 foreign countries including Brazil, Kenya, New Zealand, Poland, South Africa, Taiwan, Russia, Vietnam and Yugoslavia. Large numbers of valentines come from Canada, Great Britain, Japan and Australia each year to be re-mailed. Valentine's Day in Loveland, Colorado is a day of loving fulfillment for the citizens of this small town in northern Colorado.

The re-mailing program was started in 1947 by Ted Thompson, a local businessman, and postmaster Elmer Ives. Mr. Ives had received about 40 Valentines from people requesting they be mailed from Loveland, Colorado with the Loveland postmark as it would be a unique romantic touch. The two men talked it over and presented it to the Chamber of Commerce as a marketing opportunity to promote Loveland. The re-mailing program was promoted locally by the Loveland Reporter Herald and word was sent out nationally by the wire services. The Loveland Valentine Re-Mailing Program was born.

Valentine Love

Valentine Love

Valentine Love

Valentine Love

Valentine Love

Valentine Love

Valentine Love

Valentine Love

The first Loveland cachet was a heart pierced by an arrow with the message, "A Valentine Greeting from Sweetheart Town, Loveland, Colorado". Volunteers hand stamped the cachet on over 300 valentines the first year and each thereafter the number of valentines re-mailed has increased. It is estimated that over 300,000 valentines will be stamped with the 2010 cachet. The cachet is formed by joining the art and a four line verse into one stamp and then it is applied to each envelope by volunteers. The art and verse are submitted each year by local citizens in competition to win the coveted cachet.

The volunteers are mostly senior citizens who look forward to February when the sorting and stamping begins. The valentines are sorted by color: red envelopes require a black cachet and white envelopes are stamped in red. The envelopes are sorted by size and counted. Processing the envelopes can be as high as 55,000 in one day. The envelopes are then taken to the Loveland post office and stamped with the distinctive Loveland cancellation mark created each year. This is truly a labor of love and a source of pride from the volunteers as each envelope is handled approximately 15 times from start to finish.

Watch Safe Haven (2013) Movie Online For Free Without Downloading

see-turkeySafe Haven another Nicholas Sparks movie. The cast was great and the screen was beautiful. Josh and Julianne are a good couple. If you are a fan of Nicholas Sparks The Notebook and other movies, you will not regret watching this film. It's a great family movie with great story and a surprise ending. The story line is very good and it will keep you guessing from beginning to end. Enjoy this great movie and don't forget to leave a comment telling us your opinion about it.

How to watch Safe Haven For Free - click on the play icon in the middle of the screen and wait for movie to load. Enjoy the movie.

if you want to watch Safe Haven (2013) movie online on full screen, All you have to do is click on play icon. It's very easy. It's very easy. It's very easy. Watch Safe Haven 2013 Online Free Here No Downloading Required.

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Carnegie Museum of Natural History: Vertebrate Paleontology Collections

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Visit our Tour Destination: Pennsylvania page to see the entire tour of the state’s Save America’s Treasures sites.

Allosaurus fragilis:  The razor-toothed Allosaurus as seen in
Dinosaurs in Their Time at Carnegie Museum of Natural History.
Photo Credit:  Joshua Franzos for Carnegie Museum of Natural History.

Carnegie Museum of Natural History: Vertebrate Paleontology Collections
400 Forbes Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA

The Treasure:  The vertebrate paleontology collections at Carnegie Museum of Natural History are justifiably famous for their magnificent dinosaur skeletons but are just as important for the breadth and depth of their collections, from the early fish of the Silurian seas to cave fauna of the Pleistocene.

Accessibility:  Carnegie Museum of Natural History is open Tuesday through Friday from 10 to 5, Thursday from 10 to 8, and Sunday from noon to 5.

Andrew Carnegie.
Photo courtesy of Carnegie
Museum of Natural History.
Background:  At Carnegie Museum of Natural History, dinosaurs are the superstar attraction. They were big at the turn-of-the-century when steel magnate Andrew Carnegie decided that the new Carnegie Museum of Natural History needed dinosaur bones—the bigger, the better. And they’re still big today, proudly exhibited in Dinosaurs in Their Time, the museum’s thorough re-imagining of a dinosaur hall for the 21st century.

But a great vertebrate paleontology collection covers a huge spectrum of time, with only a medium-sized wedge for the age of dinosaurs in the middle. The Carnegie Museum’s collections trace the story of vertebrate life over nearly half a billion years, with 103,000 specimens extending from primitive early fish of the Silurian period (about 420 million years ago) to cave fauna of the Pleistocene (within the last couple of million years). While the collections are international in scope, they can boast of a fine representation of North American prehistory. The museum has prime fossils of bony fish from the Mississippian period found in Montana, amphibians and early reptile remains from the Pennsylvanian and Permian periods unearthed in the Mid-Atlantic region, mammal fossils of the Cenozoic era from the American west, and relatively recent (Quaternary epoch) fossils discovered in the Appalachians and Rocky Mountains.

A glimpse of the Big Bone Room, a collection storage area for the vertebrate
paleontology collections. Save America's Treasures funding contributed to
installation of a new climate control system for the collection storage areas.
Photo courtesy of Carnegie Museum of Natural History.

Starting in 1898, Andrew Carnegie enthusiastically financed the Carnegie Museum’s western fossil hunting expeditions. The director of the museum, William J. Holland, fittingly repaid Carnegie for his generosity, naming the museum’s first great dinosaur find (the nearly complete skeleton of a new species of sauropod) after the museum’s patron—Diplodocus carnegie. Proud of his namesake dinosaur and the museum’s work, Carnegie continued to invest in the hunt for American dinosaurs.

Earl Douglass.
Photo courtesy of
Carnegie Museum of
Natural History.
In 1902, the Carnegie Museum hired Earl Douglass, a resourceful scientist with a trained eye and the fortitude to thrive in the sometimes harsh conditions of the American west. Concentrating on outcrops of the promising Morrison Formation along the Colorado-Utah border, Douglass spied eight Apatosaurus tail bones embedded at the top of a ledge on one of his outings. As Douglass and his crew unearthed this great find, a nearly complete Apatosaurus skeleton, they discovered that the surrounding rock was crammed with many more treasures. The exposed tail bones had lured Douglass to what turned out to be one of the world’s greatest fossil beds, loaded with dinosaur remains.

Over the next 13 years, Douglass shipped hundreds of tons of material back to the Carnegie Museum, comprising nearly forty Jurassic period dinosaur skeletons, including Apatosaurus, CamarasaurusDiplodocusStegosaurus, and Camptosaurus. When the Carnegie Museumpulled out in 1924, satisfied with their haul, Douglass stayed on, now working under the auspices of the Smithsonian Institution and the University of Utah. He died in 1931, many years before his ambitious dream of establishing the quarry as a site for interpreting fossil-hunting was fully realized. In 1958, Douglass’ intact quarry wall, a veritable stew of dinosaur bones, was opened to public view as the centerpiece of Dinosaur National Monument.

Historic photo of Douglass' crew packing fossils at
Dinosaur National Monument, Utah, in the early 1900s.
Image courtesy of Carnegie Museum of Natural History.

Tinted postcard of the Gallery of Paleontology at Carnegie Museum
of Natural History in 1907.
Image courtesy of Carnegie Museum of Natural History.

Other Recommended Sites:  The Earl Douglass Workshop Laboratory, built into a hillside near the Utah quarry in 1920, is still standing at Dinosaur National Monument. After he discovered the site in 1909, Douglass chose to make Utah his home, inviting his wife and baby to join him for a pioneer life in the largely unsettled canyon area. He prepared the fossils there—eventually using the resources of this Workshop Laboratory—and then shipped them east by train to Carnegie Museum of Natural History for exhibition to a public hungry for dinosaurs.

Stegosaurus armatus:  Known as one of the
largest plated dinosaurs, the massive Stegosaurus
stands ready to defend itself in Dinosaurs in Their
at Carnegie Museum of Natural History.
This specimen was found in Utah by Earl Douglass
and crew between 1920 and 1922.
Photo Credit:  Joshua Franzos for Carnegie
Museum of Natural History.

Tour America's Treasures Itinerary
Tuesday:  Brookville Historic District

© 2013 Lee Price

Bangladesh’s Garment Industry

Globalization created the opportunity to capitalize on cheap labor in developing countries. Although China remains the primary source of apparel manufacturing for many developed nations, the country’s demand for increasing wages has lead to the search for new labor markets. A new sources of cheap labor is Bangladesh—one of the poorest countries in the world, located in South Asia. Bangladesh has a population of approximately 160 million, and remains plagued by corruption, massive poverty and political instability.

A Deathly Shortcoming:

The cheap labor in Bangladesh has made it the second biggest apparel exporter—an industry worth $19 billion. The wages for the workers in Bangladesh are a meager $0.18-$0.26 an hour, while China’s workers average $1.34 an hour. This motivated many manufacturers, like Wal-Mart and Sears to shift its production to the country, allowing them to squeeze out a slightly higher margin. However, the working conditions for Bangladeshi workers include an added danger—poor infrastructure. The improper designs and structures, an obvious lack of safety measures and faulty electrical wiring in many garment factories has led to the death of a shocking number of people. 

Incident #1:
Last November, a fire started in a garment factory with no emergency exits and led to the death of at least 112 workers, who were trapped inside. Many jumped out from the 8-storied building in an attempt to escape the torturous flames. The factory was owned by Tuba Group, which made products for Wal-Mart, Carrefour and IKEA. The fire department operations director of Bangladesh, Mohammad Mahbub, stated “Had there been at least one emergency exit through outside the factory, the casualties would have been much lower."

Incident #2:
On April 24th, a factory complex located in Dhaka, Bangladesh’s capital, collapsed and killed at least 362 people. The search and rescue operation is still in process, as hundreds of workers remain missing.  This complex housed five huge garment factories and numerous other manufacturing operations. Although workers reported worrisome cracks in the building, the garment factories threatened to dock their workers’ pay if they did not return to work. The building collapsed soon afterwards, killing hundreds who were forced to work inside. A fire and mass protest broke our in the midst of rescue efforts. Bangladeshis are frustrated by the lack of safety precaution or even effort for improved conditions by the multinational firms that receive the end products. 

Taking on Responsibility:
Although the government of Bangladesh hopes to enforce better working standards and demand more responsibility from national apparel companies, they fear that in response, the major players will take their business elsewhere—countries like Cambodia and Vietnam prove to be a viable alternative. According to the manufacturers association, textiles contribute about 80 percent of the Bangladesh’s exports. A huge chunk of Bangladesh's population remains dependent on the scanty wages from the garment factories and will have no choice but to return to work, as soon as the outrage dies down. With the government stuck in a delicate situation and with minimal incentive for multinational apparel companies—will Bangladeshi workers ever see better conditions?

Ritika Gawande 

Photo Credit: 

"FIRE KILLS 112 WORKERS AT BANGLADESH GARMENT-MAKER." The BigStory. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Apr. 2013.
"Garment Units Shifting Bases to B'desh." The Times Of India. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Apr. 2013.
Horowitz, Alana. "Bangladesh Building Collapse: Fire Breaks Out In Factory Wreckage." The Huffington Post., 28 Apr. 2013. Web. 28 Apr. 2013.
"Will Wal-Mart Move Manufacturing Out of Bangladesh?" Bloomberg Businessweek. Businessweek, n.d. Web. 28 Apr. 2013.

Alissa Lloyd fundraiser

Alissa is the daughter of our 12u boys basketball coach, Rich Lloyd. Please support this effort to help pay for medical costs.

Go jags,


Free Library of Philadelphia: PA German Manuscript Collection

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Visit our Tour Destination: Pennsylvania page to see the entire tour of the state’s Save America’s Treasures sites.

John Freadrich tune booklet (Notenbuchlein) with Harmonics.
FLP Borneman Ms. 56.
Image courtesy of Free Library of Philadelphia, Rare Book Department.

Free Library of Philadelphia: PA German Manuscript Collection
1901 Vine Street
Philadelphia, PA

Free Library of Philadelphia: Fraktur Collection (in addition to the fraktur, this guide includes images and information regarding many of the manuscripts preserved through the Save America’s Treasuresgrant)

The Treasure:  The Pennsylvania German manuscript collection at the Free Library of Philadelphia reveals the great artistry and craftsmanship of the Pennsylvania German communities that flourished in the state in the 18th and 19th centuries.

Accessibility:  The Rare Book Department at the Free Library of Philadelphia is open Monday through Saturday from 9 to 5, with a daily tour of the General Collections at 11 a.m.

Plane geometry problem from a
mathematical exercise book.
FLP Borneman Ms. 155.
Image courtesy of the Free Library of
Philadelphia, Rare Book Department.
Background:  As part of his “Holy Experiment,” William Penn (1644-1718) advertised his new colony, the Province of Pennsylvania, throughout Europe, making it known that he welcomed persecuted minorities. Many Germans responded, creating a pathway into Pennsylvania (through Germantown, then located right outside Philadelphia) that provided assistance and encouragement for immigrants. Mennonites, Amish, Schwenkfelders, Lutherans, members of the Reformed Church, and many other religious denominations and sects were represented among the individuals and families that embraced Penn’s invitation.

The cultures of these new “Pennsylvania German” communities were distinctive, as the immigrants quickly adapted their traditional folkways to the American environment. They expressed themselves through a vibrant and colorful folk art that reflected their religious and social convictions.

But while the craftsmanship of their work was often charming, and sometimes deeply artistic, it was not recognized for its quality until the great heyday of the late 18th and early to mid-19th centuries had passed. Finally, in the early 20th century, collectors like Abraham Harley Cassel, Henry Chapman Mercer, Howard W. Kriebel, and Henry S. Borneman realized that the local attics and barns were sheltering often remarkable cultural documents, as valuable for their artistry as for their history.

In 1955, the Free Library of Philadelphia purchased the great collection of Henry S. Borneman, Esq., founder and first Dean of the Temple University School of Law. Taking deep pride in his own Pennsylvania German heritage, Borneman collected a broad range of items, including a magnificent collection of fraktur—paper documents (birth, baptismal, and wedding certificates; writing samples; awards; holiday greetings; etc.) decorated with a distinctive “broken letter’ calligraphy and often embellished with exuberant artistic designs.

Account book (1856-1858)
of Saml Serfass.
FLP Borneman Ms. 93.
Image courtesy of the
Free Library of Philadelphia,
Rare Book Department.
Justly proud of their world-class fraktur collection, the Free Library of Philadelphia has taken exemplary care of the fraktur, making it digitally accessible through a resource guide on their website. With their 2011 Save America’s Treasures grant, the Free Library turned to the other items in the Borneman Collection, seizing the opportunity to conserve and digitize the Pennsylvania German manuscripts, books, hymnals, and business account records that Borneman had collected. As they become more accessible, these items will continue to add to our understanding of life in the early Pennsylvania German communities.

Here are some more beautiful examples of some of the treasures that have received conservation treatment through the grant.

Bookplate for Johannes Funck from an
account book in German and English recording
his business transactions from 1789-1814.
The book plate is the work of
Johannes Ernst Spangenberg, formerly known
as the Easton Bible Artist.
FLP B-1032.
Image courtesy of the Free Library of
Philadelphia, Rare Book Department.

Geometry problems from a
mathematical exercise book.
FLP Borneman Ms. 156.
Image courtesy of the Free Library of
Philadelphia, Rare Book Department.

"The Incense Hill of Zion" (Zionitischer Weyrauchs Hugel),
a hymnal of the Ephrata Cloister with elaborate pen work
by the sisters of the cloister.
FLP Borneman Ms. 2.
Image courtesy of the Free Library of Philadelphia,
Rare Book Department.

Notes from the Editor:  

“If I were an 18th century manuscript, and had a broken spine, and detached boards, not to mention all kinds of other injuries to my pages, I think I would contact the Conservation Center for Art and Historic Artifacts (CCAHA) for a restoration appointment because I know that a lot of careful and expert work is needed to restore a manuscript.”
Quoted from the
at the Free Library of Philadelphia

I’ve highlighted this particular quote for two reasons.  First, it nicely links to the Free Library’s excellent ongoing blog series on the history behind these amazing manuscripts. Go and enjoy! And, second, I’m quoting it because I love the compliment it pays to my work place, the Conservation Center for Art and Historic Artifacts!

Other Recommended Sites:  Pennsylvaniais home to many historic sites and museums that honor its Pennsylvania German heritage. Just an hour’s drive north of Philadelphia, you can learn about Mennonite and Schwenkfelder cultures at, respectively, the Mennonite Heritage Centerand the Schwenkfelder Library and Heritage Center (which also has one of the world’s finest collections of fraktur).

Music Copybook of Sarah Horsfield, Bethlehem, July 14, 1833.
Laid paper, gall ink, watercolor;  leather.
FLP Borneman Ms. 143.
Blog entry:  If I'm Happy, Then I Must Sing, Part 4.
Image courtesy of the Free Library of Philadelphia,
Rare Book Department.

Tour America's Treasures Itinerary
Tuesday:  Carnegie Museum of Natural History: Vertebrate Paleontology Collection

© 2013 Lee Price

Watch Charlie St. Cloud (2010) Movie Online For Free Without Downloading

see-turkeyCharlie St. Cloud a heartbreaking excellent movie. Zac Efron performance is awesome and the rest of the cast did well. A must see movie for everyone, it is really good, emotional, heart warming and magical movie. You will laugh, cry, and fall in love with characters and story line. The story filled with likable characters and great emotion. Enjoy this amazing movie and let us know what do you think about it.

How to watch Charlie St. Cloud For Free - click on the play icon in the middle of the screen and wait for movie to load. Enjoy the movie.

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Watch The Hunger Games: Catching Fire (2013) Movie Online For Free Without Downloading

see-turkeyThe Hunger Games: Catching Fire everyone looking forward to November the release of Hunger Games; Catching Fire. I have watched the trailer and it looks like it gonna be an epic movie. The Hunger Games - Catching Fire will hit the cinema on November 22 2013. I have decided to create this post and add the trailer so everyone could watch it. The movie will probably be available on the internet 3-5 weeks after it hit cinema. Feel free to bookmark this post in case you want to watch movie on the internet later in October. You can watch The Hunger Games (2012) if you haven't HERE (Works on computer and mobile devices).

How to watch The Hunger Games: Catching Fire For Free - click on the play icon in the middle of the screen and wait for movie to load. Enjoy the movie.

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Trailer only (Movie will be in cinema on 22nd November and will be available on internet in October)

Watch Pretty Woman (1990) Movie Online For Free Without Downloading A Popular Romantic Movie

see-turkeyPretty Woman a great romcom classic. It's a lovely enjoyable movie to watch and smile with! Julia Roberts and Richard Gere put a great performances great chemistry between them. I hate to admit that this if from my favorite movies and I have seen this movie many times. It's from the best 90's film ever made. A must watch romantic classic. Have a great weekend everyone.

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see-turkeyGrease a good classic musical movie. The songs will make you feel you want to get up, dance and sing with them. It's a movie that can make you feel happy when you watch it. The story is romantic and acting is good. Enjoy movie.

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How to watch Friends with Benefits For Free - click on the play icon in the middle of the screen and wait for movie to load. Enjoy the movie.

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Black Horse Inn

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Visit our Tour Destination: Pennsylvania page to see the entire tour of the state’s Save America’s Treasures sites.

West view of the Black Horse Inn (Flourtown, PA) in 2008.
Photo courtesy of Springfield Township.

Black Horse Inn
1432 Bethlehem Pike
Flourtown, PA

The Treasure:  The Black Horse Inn is a picturesque reminder of the once-bustling inns that catered to clientele along the main 18th and 19th century thoroughfares.

Accessibility:  As restoration efforts continue, your best bet is to appreciate the exterior of the Black Horse Inn from the road. The interior is sometimes accessible during special events.

Exterior bar door at the Black Horse Inn.
Photo courtesy of Springfield Township.
Background:  Located in the center of Flourtown, the Black Horse Inn is a landmark on Bethlehem Pike, a once-major road that links Philadelphiato Bethlehem, PA, a distance of approximately 50 miles. Bethlehem Pike is still a busy road today, but it has long since lost the prominence that it enjoyed for nearly 200 years. Today (following Google Maps, Mapquest, or your GPS), you might get to Bethlehem from Philadelphia by jumping on the Schuylkill Expressway, taking the Northeast Extension, exiting to Route 309 in Quakertown, and finishing on Route 378 into Bethlehem. Altogether it takes about an hour, mostly high-speed highway driving—slowing only for a few traffic lights around Quakertown.

But traveling that 50-mile trip wasn’t so easy in colonial days. From 1703 to 1734, the British government oversaw the development of Bethlehem Pike (a.k.a. the “Great Road”), a colonial highway that stretched from Chestnut Hill to the newly established Moravian community in Bethlehem. Naturally, inns sprang up to serve the stagecoach business. The Black Horse Inn was one of the first, strategically located about ten miles outside Philadelphiaat a point where the drivers would be looking for a place to rest or change the horses.

Abraham Wakerly appears to have built the first inn on the property in 1744, offering only a plain one-room building plus a kitchen. As travel and trade increased, business justified growth. There were significant additions and improvements to the Black Horse Inn in 1833, 1880, and 1908, keeping up with the times and the traffic.

The Black Horse Inn opened under British rule, flourished under President Washington, and was still going strong when Lincoln was in office and the Civil War raged. At the turn of the century, in 1901, the core stagecoach business was superseded by a trolley line set up on the Bethlehem Pike, still maintaining its status as the main corridor linking Philadelphiawith sites north. When the trolley service closed in 1926, the Black Horse Inn became more of a local—rather than a regional—landmark. While it has not been regularly open to the public for the last quarter of a century, it continues to securely anchor its hometown of Flourtown, standing testimony to the area’s rich history.

The Black Horse Inn during restoration in 2007 with stucco removed from
the north side.  Photo courtesy of Springfield Township.

Other Recommended Sites:  Ten miles northwest on the Skippack Pike, enjoy a visit to the Peter Wentz Farmstead, a beautifully restored 18th century Pennsylvania German farmstead which served as General George Washington’s headquarters during the fall of 1777.

South view of the Black Horse Inn in 2009.
Photo courtesy of Springfield Township.

Tour America's Treasures Itinerary
Tuesday:  The Pennsylvania German Collection at the Free Library of Philadelphia

© 2013 Lee Price