NOAH Basketball Pep Rally & Celebration
Saturday, March 16th, 6-7:30pm
SpiritLife Church Gym (formerly known as ET)
Join us as we celebrate the season and encourage our teams as we head off to Springfield.
  • All players and coaches will be introduced. Wear your uniform or NOAH Blue!
  • Shooting competitions for all age groups and prizes too! 
  • Concessions will be half-price.
  • Pizza will be available. You can order by the slice or a whole pizza. Use this link to order yours now PIZZA ORDER FORM.  Orders need to be made by Friday at noon. Pay for your pizza at the event. 
  • Don't forget about picking up some Jagwear or Cheerwear while you're there. If you ordered a Jag shirt recently, they will be ready for pick-up at the table.
  • Bring an empty water bottle, we'll have a station set up where you can make a NOAH noisemaker for the pep rally and for Nationals. Let's make some noise!
Nationals Brackets Posted
If you want to take a look at the posted brackets for's a link 2013 Nationals Brackets. It looks like about half of them are complete. As a reminder, you should not contact the Nationals staff for any reason. If you have an issue of any sort, please contact your coach or a NOAH Advisory Council member to assist  you.

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