Excited For Adams State, Saturday Nov. 5 at 4:05 p.m.

To say the team is looking forward to Saturday's game against Adams State may be an understatement. After five straight days of long and exhausting practices the team couldn't be more excited for a game. Despite being sore from the challenges this week, I can say that as a team we've gotten better. Each day it was apparent that guys were giving everything they had in trying to improve. We've added quite a few new plays and even a couple of different defensive sets. With the regular season and our home opener with BYU just around the corner the team is as excited as ever for the year to start. With the anticipation comes a realization that we still have a lot to improve on by next Friday's game. Aggie fans can rest assured that the team and coaching staff is doing everything in our power to get ready to start the season off right at home next week!

-- Brady Jardine

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